Job Training

Job Training in Albuquerque

Learn more about Job Training Albuquerque (JTA), the City’s premier workforce development program. JTA provides Albuquerque small businesses the opportunity to skill up their employees through free training courses in high-demand skills.

Job Training Albuquerque (JTA) is the City’s premier workforce development program. Launched in January of 2020, in partnership with Central New Mexico Community College (CNM), JTA helps workers skill up and businesses scale up. The program provides free courses in high-demand skill areas and offers industry-specific credentials.

By participating in JTA, employers agree to add one job to their operation within two years, thereby spurring small business growth through job creation, and building a deeper pool of workforce talent for existing and potential companies.

JTA adapts to the changing needs of Albuquerque’s employers. A full listing of the courses available through JTA can be found here. The program adds training courses based upon  feedback from local businesses.

To participate in JTA, businesses must meet the following criteria:

  • Incorporated as a for-profit or not-for-profit entity in the State of New Mexico
  • Headquartered within the Albuquerque city limits
  • A small business with 500 or fewer employees
  • Located in Albuquerque for one year OR business owner has been an Albuquerque resident for at least one year at any time before the time of training
  • Willing and able to increase their workforce by at least one employee in the next two years
  • Willing to send new or incumbent employee(s) to training at scheduled class time or willing to set aside time for online training (when available) during employee’s normal work hours or paid overtime
  • For most programs, trainee must be a full-time employee (32 hours per week)

Justin Hilliard
Workforce Development Liaison

JTA Information Session

JTA is a partnership between the City of Albuquerque and Central New Mexico Community College (CNM). Program funding is provided by the CABQ Economic Development Department and is administered by CNM Ingenuity.